Searching for Answers about Record Searches?

Want to improve FOIA record searches? Start with good communications. (ARC Identifier 2493214)

Have you ever wondered why it takes so long for an agency to find responsive records after you make a FOIA request? After all, isn’t there a “Government Google” that allows an agency to search its records with a few keystrokes? Or, have you received a FOIA fee estimate in the thousands of dollars because you didn’t have enough information to narrow the scope of your request?

If you are in the Washington, D.C., area and are curious about record searches, please join us for this month’s FOIA Requester Roundtable, co-hosted by the Department of Justice’s Office for Information Policy (OIP). This discussion between requesters and agency FOIA personnel will focus on the challenges facing agency FOIA professionals  in searching for records and ways that requesters and agencies can work together to narrow the scope of FOIA requests.

The Roundtable is from 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday, April 25, 2012, at OIP’s offices, 1425 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 11050, Washington, D.C. You can get to OIP’s offices on Metro’s Orange or Blue line (McPherson Square stop) or Red line (Metro Center stop).

If you are interested in attending, please e-mail your name and phone number to Bertina Adams at We hope to see you there!