Updates to Agency Compliance Report Pages

OGIS’s Compliance Team follows up with FOIA programs we assess 120 days after we publish our report to learn what improvements, if any, have been made to the program. Once this process is complete, we contact the agency to let them know that we have evaluated their responses and “closed” recommendations that have been addressed. Of the 60 recommendations we made in our assessments of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, United States Coast Guard, Transportation Security Administration, and Customs and Border Protection, we have closed 58 recommendations—almost 97 percent.
agencystatusInterested in the latest on OGIS’s compliance program? We updated our website to include a page for each assessment we complete (visit here). Each page includes the executive summary of the compliance report, a link to download the complete report, and materials related to our 120-day follow-up process (including our letter closing recommendations).

Please take a look at the updated agency compliance report section and let us know if you have any suggestions on how to make it more user friendly!