Attention Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requesters! The co-chairs of the Chief FOIA Officers Council will be available to listen to your comments about and experiences with the FOIA process from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. EST on Wednesday February 2, 2022. Please join Alina M. Semo and Bobak Talebian, the directors of the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) and the Office of Information Policy (OIP), respectively, as they hear, virtually, directly from the FOIA requester community.
FOIA tasks the Chief FOIA Officers Council with
- developing recommendations for increasing compliance and efficiency;
- disseminating information about agency experiences, ideas, best practices, and innovative approaches related to FOIA;
- identifying, developing, and coordinating initiatives to increase transparency and compliance; and
- promoting the development and use of common performance measures for agency compliance.
The statute directs the Council, in performing these duties, to “consult on a regular basis with members of the public who make [FOIA] requests.” (5 USC § 552(k)(5)(B)). The February 2, 2022, meeting fulfills that requirement by providing the opportunity for the Council co-chairs to consult with requesters.
The deadline for registering is 11:59 p.m. EST on Monday January 31, 2022. Register via Eventbrite to receive access instructions. You must include an email address so we can provide you access information. If you have difficulty registering for this event, please email CFO-Council@nara.gov.
More information about the Council is available on OGIS’s website and on OIP’s website.
We hope you’ll join us!
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