Join Us Online for the November 29, 2018 FOIA Advisory Committee 

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If you cannot join us in person for the second meeting of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee’s 2018-2020 term on November 29, 2018, you can still join us via livestream.

The meeting, from 10 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. EST, will focus on records management. Representatives from several Offices of Inspectors General that have conducted audits or investigations into FOIA and/or records management will speak, as will Laurence Brewer, Chief Records Officer for the U.S. Government. Check out the complete agenda here.

The meeting is the second of the 2018-2020 term of the FOIA Advisory Committee, whose members are appointed by the Archivist of the United States and are tasked with studying FOIA across the government, soliciting public comments, and recommending to the Archivist improvements to FOIA.

You can keep up with the Committee’s work be visiting the Committee’s webpage, or reading this blog, FOIA Ombudsman.