The Technology Committee is Now Full

Several weeks ago we invited government Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) professionals with an interest in technology and innovation to consider volunteering their knowledge and talents to the Technology Committee of the Chief FOIA Officers (CFO) Council. To date, more than 20 FOIA professionals from a variety of federal agencies have expressed an interest, and we are grateful for the enthusiastic response!

These new members will join forces with existing Committee members to tackle a number of issues regarding the role of technology in the FOIA process. The Committee will continue to be led by two talented senior FOIA professionals from the Department of State and the Veterans Health Administration at the Department of Veterans Affairs.  We thank all of our volunteers and OGIS will provide periodic updates on the Committee’s progress.

Although we have all the volunteers we need at this time, the co-chairs would still love to hear your ideas for the Committee’s agenda. Let’s keep the lines of communication open; email your Technology Committee ideas and suggestions to and we’ll pass them on.