Call for Nominations: Vacant Government Seat on FOIA Advisory Committee

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The 2020-2022 term of the FOIA Advisory Committee, launched in 2020, has space for a government FOIA expert. Apply now!

A resignation from the FOIA Advisory Committee has created a vacancy for which we seek nominations. We are looking for a government FOIA expert from either a Cabinet-level department or a non-Cabinet-level agency who has passion for FOIA, a commitment to improving the FOIA process, and the ability to roll up their sleeves and work collaboratively to finalize recommendations in the next eight months. 

The new member will serve the remainder of the term through June 30, 2022, will be expected to attend the four public meetings remaining in the two-year Committee term, and to volunteer for one or more of four working subcommittees: Classification, Legislation, Process and Technology. The next meeting of the 2020-2022 Committee term is scheduled for Thursday, December 9, 2021, and will be virtual.

We must receive nominations no later than 5 p.m. EDT on Wednesday October 27, 2021. To submit a nomination please provide your/the nominee’s name, title, phone number and email address. For both self-nominations and nominations by other individuals, please provide a short biography about the nominee (fewer than 250 words) summarizing your/their resumé or otherwise highlighting the contributions the nominee would bring to the Committee; and be sure to include the nominee’s resumé or curriculum vitae.

Email nominations to We will not accept nominations by mail or fax.

The Archivist of the United States will review the nominations and make a final appointment prior to the Committee’s next public meeting this December.