2024-2026 FOIA Advisory Committee Members Appointed

A member of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Band plays the trumpet during the Opening Ceremony for Exercise COBRA GOLD 2000 at Vajira Military Camp, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand. National Archive Identifier 6602132.

Archivist of the United States Dr. Colleen Shogan appointed 20 individuals to the National Archives and Records Administration’s 2024–2026 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee. 

We welcome back David Cuillier of the University of Florida and Jason R. Baron of the University of Maryland along with Margaret Kwoka of The Ohio State University, all of whom have served on previous FOIA Advisory Committee terms. As in prior terms, Alina M. Semo, director of the Office of Government Information Services, and Bobak “Bobby” Talebian, director of the Office of Information Policy, serve on the Committee by virtue of their positions in accordance with the Committee charter. Ms. Semo will chair the 2024-2026 term of the Committee, which is scheduled to have its first meeting on September 9, 2024. 

The Committee, established in 2014, studies the federal FOIA landscape and advises on improvements to FOIA administration governmentwide. The FOIA Advisory Committee consists of no more than 20 individuals who are all FOIA experts from both inside and outside of government. Members of the FOIA Advisory Committee foster dialogue between the administration and the requester community and develop recommendations for improving FOIA administration and proactive disclosures. The 2022-2024 term of the Committee made 16 recommendations for improving the FOIA process.  

Dr. Shogan has appointed the following individuals to the 2024-2026 term: 

Government Members

Non-Government Members

Stay tuned to this blog and the FOIA Advisory Committee website in the coming months for more information on the Committee’s work and its members.