OGIS and the Office of Information Policy (OIP) at the Department of Justice are happy to announce that the next meeting of the Chief FOIA Officers Council will be held on Thursday, July 27th from 10 am to noon. You can register to join the audience in the William G. McGowan Theater beginning on July 26. You can also plan on watching the livestream via the National Archives’ YouTube Channel.
This meeting will be the third meeting of the Chief FOIA Officer’s Council, which was created by the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016. The Chief FOIA Officers’ Council is intended to develop recommendations to increase agency compliance and efficiency and to share agency best practices and innovative approaches.
As we have reviewed the influx of requests for our assistance with a FOIA dispute since the passage of the FOIA Improvement Act, we have observed that in many instances requesters are confused about who they should contact for assistance, and they appear to not understand our role vis-à-vis the role of agency FOIA Public Liaisons. For example, we have had situations where requesters have contacted us instead of filing an appeal, or attempted to file an appeal with us rather than the agency. During this meeting of the Chief FOIA Officer Council, we will discuss strategies for improving customer service and improving coordination between agency FOIA Public Liaisons and OGIS.
Additional details about the Chief FOIA Officer’s Council are on OGIS’s website at https://archives.gov/ogis/about-ogis/Chief-FOIA-Officers-Council and OIP’s website at https://www.justice.gov/oip/chief-foia-officers-council. If you have any suggestions for topics to discuss or questions about the meeting, please feel free to contact us at ogis@nara.gov or on Twitter by tagging @FOIA_Ombuds.
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