The OGIS team is expanding, adding an additional three positions to the staff at its Washington, D.C. office.
Two of the new positions will be part of OGIS’s review team, which works to review agencies’ FOIA policies, procedures and compliance. One position will carry out OGIS’s mediation services, working with agencies and requesters to prevent and resolve FOIA disputes. Interested individuals may apply online through USAJobs.
Come join the OGIS team!
To view the GS-13 Merit Promotion announcement – as well as the GS-13 Public Notice announcement and the GS-9/11 (12) Public Notice announcement – go to http://www.usajobs.gov, enter “ogis” in the keyword box, click on the “Federal Employees” radio button, and click on “Search”.
Hello, I am interested in joining the OGIS team. Can you tell me if the positions are still available as I searched OGIS on USAJOBS.gov but zero listings were returned.