The first meeting of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee is scheduled for June 24, 2014 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the National Archives building in Washington, D.C. The meeting will be open to the public and we will provide registration information in the coming weeks.
The FOIA Advisory Committee was established in May 2014 under the second Open Government National Action Plan (NAP). The Committee’s goal is to advise on ways to improve the administration of FOIA. The Committee will study the current FOIA landscape across the Executive Branch and may recommend legislative action, policy changes or executive action, among other matters.
Archivist of the United States David Ferriero appointed the 20 members of the Committee last month. There are 10 members from within government and 10 non-governmental members who have considerable FOIA expertise and who were selected to achieve a balanced representation. Committee members are appointed to serve a two-year term. OGIS Director Miriam Nisbet will chair the Committee. ?
The? ?FOIA Advisory Committee will meet up to four times per year. Stay tuned for more information about the Committee’s first meeting — we hope to see you there!
Please add my name to the FOIA Advisory Committee mailing list.