Have you ever spent far too long searching for something on an agency’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) website or thought to yourself, “there are certain types of information that every agency should include on its FOIA website”? If so, mark your calendars and reserve your seat for the June 16, 2016 Requester Roundtable on FOIA Websites. We are hosting the discussion with the Office of Information Policy (OIP) at the Department of Justice.
Improving agency FOIA websites is one of several FOIA modernization commitments made by the U.S. Government as part of the Third United States Open Government National Action Plan. The goal of the upcoming meeting is to gather feedback from members of the public and agency personnel about best practices for agency FOIA websites. The feedback will help us as we work with OIP to develop guidance and create best practices for agency FOIA websites.
Space for this meeting is limited, so registration is required. To register to attend, please email your name and phone number to OIP’s Training Officer at DOJ.OIP.FOIA@usdoj.gov with the subject line “June Requester Roundtable.”
I am the UK leading authority on Vexatious Exemptions GIA/30337/2011 Dransfield v Information Commissioner Office (ICO).
It is not Dransfield who is vexatious ,it is the ICO and I have evidence the ICO are acting in concert with the British Government to Gag Joe Public