We are very happy to announce that the list of members for the 2016-2018 term or the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee is now available on our website. In even more exciting news, the Committee will be convening for its first meeting on Thursday, July 21st in the William G. McGowan Theater.
For those of you who are not familiar with the FOIA Advisory Committee, the National Archives launched the effort in 2014 to bring together requesters and agency FOIA professionals to develop recommendations for improving the administration of FOIA. At the final meeting of its first term, the Committee presented a unanimously supported recommendation to improve FOIA’s fee system. OGIS chairs the Committee, and OGIS’s staff provides the Committee with administrative support.
As we shared a few weeks ago, the second term offers an opportunity for the Committee members to look at broader issues related to FOIA and work to address some of the most difficult challenges, such as the increasing volume of electronic records and the need for modern technology in FOIA offices. If you are in the DC area and want to join us for the Committee’s first meeting, please RSVP today. People outside the DC area will also be able to watch the event via livestream: keep an eye on the Committee’s meetings webpage and follow us on Twitter for updates on how to watch the event live.
If you have any comments for the Committee, don’t hesitate to let us know. During this term, we will also explore how we can use technology to make it easier for members of the public to provide input to the Committee.
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