What challenges do you face as you navigate the FOIA process? Whether you are an agency FOIA professional or a FOIA requester, the Federal FOIA Advisory Committee wants to hear from you.
The Committee is asking both those who administer and use the Federal FOIA to take a voluntary survey to help inform its understanding of FOIA challenges.
Your privacy will be protected — no personal information is collected in either the agency or the requester survey and no identifying information will be shared. If you decide to take the survey (and we hope you will), you may change your mind and withdraw at any point in the survey. You may also choose to skip any questions that you do not wish to answer.
Agency FOIA professionals can access the survey here, while FOIA requesters can access the survey here. The survey, which opened in July, is open through Labor Day — Monday September 2nd.
The FOIA Advisory Committee is a group of 20 FOIA experts from both inside and outside of government who are tasked with studying FOIA across the government, soliciting public comments, and recommending improvements to the Archivist of the United States.