Fernando Penalosa and Maria Teresa Inigo at the busy circulation desk. Through the open doors in back of the patrons at the desk is the entrance to the Main Reading Room. The reference desk is to its immediate right. National Archive Identifier 23932427 Today’s blog post was guest written by Dan Levenson. The Office of … Continue reading OGIS Publishes Two New Ombuds Observers
Category: Plain Language
OGIS Remains Interested in “Still Interested” Letters
Mail, Photographs Relating to Agency Officials, Events, and Activities. National Archives Identifier 209296403 As the federal government approaches the end of fiscal year 2024 in September, we recognize that many federal agencies are aiming to close old FOIA requests and reduce their FOIA backlogs. Some are sending requesters “still interested” letters to ensure that the … Continue reading OGIS Remains Interested in “Still Interested” Letters
OGIS Publishes Ombuds Observer on NCND/Glomar
Photograph of Howard Hughes, who played a pivotal role in the very first Neither Confirm Nor Deny (NCND) response. National Archives Identifier 219777077. OGIS has recently published a new resource for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requesters whose records requests are met with ‘neither confirm nor deny’ (NCND) responses, historically known in the U.S. as … Continue reading OGIS Publishes Ombuds Observer on NCND/Glomar
What the FOIA is GLOMAR?!
Images courtesy of Central Intelligence Agency. FOIA can be a challenge for even the most seasoned requester, and jargony language and acronyms make things even more confusing. Case in point: the term “Glomar” is often used to describe a FOIA response where the agency neither confirms nor denies (NCND) the existence of responsive records. Knowing where … Continue reading What the FOIA is GLOMAR?!
FOIA Advisory Committee Recommends Exemption 5 Transparency
A US Air Force (USAF) female F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft pilot, assigned to the 157th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron (EFS), South Carolina Air National Guard (ANG), with the call sign of "Vixen," gives the thumbs up signal from the cockpit of her aircraft, as she prepares for a mission in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. National … Continue reading FOIA Advisory Committee Recommends Exemption 5 Transparency
FOIA Advisory Committee Seeks Input on Draft Model Determination Letter
"Here Lies a Good Idea. Don't Let Your Idea Die. Put it in the Suggestion Box Today." National Archives Identifier 514482 As presented and discussed at the June 8, 2023, FOIA Advisory Committee Meeting, the Modernization Subcommittee seeks public feedback on a model determination letter from federal agencies, FOIA requesters, and the public, before finalizing … Continue reading FOIA Advisory Committee Seeks Input on Draft Model Determination Letter
Ensuring Effective Portal Communication with Requesters: Even When They’re on Vacation!
Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter fishing on August 26, 1978. National Archives Identifier 180949. OGIS has observed recently that agencies are increasingly using portals to send response letters and records to requesters. OGIS applauds this approach as portals are faster than U.S. postal mail and more secure than email. However, OGIS encourages agencies to consider … Continue reading Ensuring Effective Portal Communication with Requesters: Even When They’re on Vacation!
FOIA Communication: Keep it Simple!
Dr. Edwin McMillan with mousetrap cigarette lighter atom smasher apparatus (Rube Goldberg inspired). Photograph taken March 21, 1974. XBB743-1774. [Photograph by: Steve Gerber] National Archives Identifier 39146966 Plain language has long been an interest of ours as we have observed that clear, concise and well-organized correspondence smoothes the FOIA process for all. After we put … Continue reading FOIA Communication: Keep it Simple!
OGIS 2022 Holiday Wish List
Merry Christmas is the greeting from President Harry S. Truman as he sets forth from his home in Independence, Missouri, to deliver Christmas gifts to members of his family who live nearby, December 1945. Accession Number 2013-3621. In this season of giving and receiving, we thought we’d share our OGIS holiday wish list. We have only … Continue reading OGIS 2022 Holiday Wish List
Understanding the Office of Government Information Services (part 3/4)
https://giphy.com/gifs/usnationalarchives-archives-archivesgif-naid12065-1alh12SmIXpUoZEQar Your National Archives by US National Archives via GIPHY. National Archives Identifier 12065 In our previous two blog posts “Understanding the Office of Government Information Services” parts 1 and 2, we provided a basic overview of how OGIS is structured and highlighted aspects of our dispute resolution program. In this post we’ll touch on … Continue reading Understanding the Office of Government Information Services (part 3/4)