Did you know that dispute resolution skills can help you improve communication with not just FOIA requesters, but also with your agency colleagues, and even your friends and family? Register today for our April 18th Dispute Resolution Skills for FOIA Professionals training session, where you can get hands-on experience with these valuable tools.
This training is intended to teach FOIA professionals practical communication skills to help them understand and resolve disputes. We also give training participants a chance to test drive their skills and fine-tune their approach through activities and a role-playing exercise.
Registration for these sessions always fills up fast. You can sign up for the session using Eventbrite.
We also offer agency-specific training. If you are a FOIA professional interested in having us conduct a training session for your agency, please contact Carrie McGuire at carrie.mcguire@nara.gov or at (202) 741-5774
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