Mark your calendars to join us in the William G. McGowan Theater in the National Archives’ downtown DC location on Thursday, April 20th for two events!
The day will kick off with OGIS’s first public meeting beginning at 9 am. This meeting (which is a new requirement created by the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016) is intended to provide the public with an update on the office’s activities, and give members of the public an opportunity to present oral or written statements. You can get a preview of our reports and other work over the last year by reading our recently-released Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Report. Register to attend the event via Eventbrite and please contact Amy Bennett at amy.bennett@nara.gov or 202-741-5782 with any questions about the event.
After a short break, we will re-convene at 10 am EDT for the next scheduled meeting of the FOIA Advisory Committee. During the meeting, co-chairs of the Committee’s three subcommittees – Search; Efficiencies and Resources; and Proactive Disclosure and Accessibility – will present updates on their work. The agenda (draft agenda will be posted on this page soon) also includes a special presentation on the use of e-discovery tools to locate records that are responsive to a FOIA request. Register via Eventbrite to join us in person.
If you cannot join us in person, both meetings will be livestreamed via the National Archives’ YouTube Channel. Be sure to check out the Events tab on our website for updates and follow @FOIA_Ombuds for a link to the broadcast.
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