2022-2024 FOIA Advisory Committee Draft Final Report Available for Public Comment

The draft final report of the fifth term of the FOIA Advisory Committee is now available for public comment. The report includes 16 recommendations from the three subcommittees — Implementation, Modernization, and Resources  — all previously approved by the Committee. The Committee will consider and vote on the draft report at its June 13, 2024, meeting, the final of the 2022-2024 term. 

The June 13 virtual meeting is open to the public and registration is required if you wish to make oral public comments. Please register here by 11:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday, June 11, to receive an email with a link and telephone number for accessing the meeting. Members of the public participating in the meeting via the link may speak during the last 15 minutes of the meeting. (Commenters are limited to 3 minutes each.) You are also welcome to submit written comments at any time by using the Public Comments Form. We also will livestream the meeting on the National Archives YouTube channel but those viewing on YouTube will not be able to make public comments.

A working group of four Committee members drafted the final report to Archivist of the United States Dr. Colleen Shogan. In 2022, now-retired Acting Archivist of the United States, Debra Steidel Wall, appointed 20 FOIA experts from both inside and outside of government to serve on the Committee. In April 2024, Dr. Shogan signed the charter for the 2024-2026 term of the Committee, the sixth term since it was established in 2014. If you are a government FOIA professional or member of the requester community with FOIA expertise, please consider submitting your nomination to serve on the next term of the Committee. Nominations are due by Monday, July 15 at 5 pm ET.

dashboard to track previous Committee recommendations is available on our website. Once the 2022-2024 recommendations are reviewed and presented to the Archivist of the United States this summer, we will update the FOIA Advisory Committee dashboard.