Plan to attend the next Chief FOIA Officers Council meeting at 10 a.m. ET on Thursday, November 7. The meeting is open to Chief FOIA Officers, FOIA professionals and the public. We invite you to either watch the livestream of the meeting on the U.S. National Archives YouTube Channel or register by 11:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday, November 5, to attend the meeting virtually through Webex. If you wish to offer oral comments during the meeting’s public comment period, you must attend via Webex.
The Council is co-chaired by Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) Director Alina M. Semo and Office of Information Policy (OIP) Director Bobak Talebian. Plan to hear updates from OGIS and OIP as well as from the Council’s Technology Committee and Committee on Cross-Agency Collaboration and Innovation (COCACI).
Public comments will be at the end of the meeting.
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