The following post is from Kimberlee Ried of NARA’s Museum Programs Division who is detailed to OGIS to assist with FOIA Advisory Committee work. The next meeting of the 2020-2022 term of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee is on Thursday, December 10 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. ET. This virtual meeting … Continue reading FOIA Advisory Committee Meets on December 10
OGIS Releases FOIA Advisory Committee Recommendations Dashboard
Ever wonder what happens to all the recommendations made by the FOIA Advisory Committee? Thanks to OGIS’s new dashboard tool, you can check on their status yourself! Thirty FOIA Advisory Committee recommendations for improving FOIA administration across the government can now be tracked in one place: a recommendations dashboard on the OGIS website. The dashboard … Continue reading OGIS Releases FOIA Advisory Committee Recommendations Dashboard
FOIA Advisory Committee Organizes into Four Subcommittees
The following post is from Kimberlee Ried of NARA’s Museum Programs Division who is detailed to OGIS with FOIA Advisory Committee work. In its first meeting of the 2020-2022 term, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee drew from a presentation by the Chief FOIA Officers Council Technology Committee and ideas from previous Advisory … Continue reading FOIA Advisory Committee Organizes into Four Subcommittees
Register now for the Nov. 5th Webinar: Artificial Intelligence for FOIA Professionals
New Super Computers at NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS)National Archives ID: 18447042 Are you a government FOIA professional interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the world of FOIA? The Department of Justice, Office of Information Policy (OIP), and OGIS invite agency FOIA professionals to join them for a presentation by the AI Working Group … Continue reading Register now for the Nov. 5th Webinar: Artificial Intelligence for FOIA Professionals
October Observances
Crisp breezes, colorful leaves, pumpkin spice everything, and...customer service? October brings several recognized days that are central to OGIS’s role as the FOIA Ombudsman. First, we wish you a very happy Ombuds Day! Tomorrow, October 8, 2020, is officially recognized by the Dispute Resolution Section of the American Bar Association (ABA) as Ombuds Day. This … Continue reading October Observances
Chief FOIA Officers Council: Upcoming Virtual Meeting & a New Officer for DHS
There is still time to register for the upcoming Chief FOIA Officers Council meeting, which takes place from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on October 14, 2020. Please register using Eventbrite; we will follow up with Webex instructions. We will also live stream the meeting on the National Archives’ YouTube channel for those who wish … Continue reading Chief FOIA Officers Council: Upcoming Virtual Meeting & a New Officer for DHS
OGIS Publishes Issue Assessment on FOIA Performance Measures for Non-FOIA Professionals
This post was written by Brittany Parris, an Archivist with the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, who conducted the assessment while on temporary assignment to OGIS as part of the National Archives and Records Administration Cross-training Program. We are happy to share our latest assessment, which examines FOIA performance measures for non-FOIA … Continue reading OGIS Publishes Issue Assessment on FOIA Performance Measures for Non-FOIA Professionals
UNESCO and ICIC Celebrate International Day for Universal Access to Information
In observance of International Day for Universal Access to Information, two international access organizations are co-hosting a webinar from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EDT on September 29, 2020, to discuss best practices in access to information amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Register for the webinar here. The United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) … Continue reading UNESCO and ICIC Celebrate International Day for Universal Access to Information
OGIS Publishes NRC FOIA Compliance Assessment Report
Drawing of nuclear reactor uranium "pile." Photograph taken January 27, 1950 (NARA ID: 22118314) OGIS’s latest agency compliance assessment delivers six findings and 10 recommendations for improving FOIA compliance and administration at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), which regulates commercial nuclear power plants and other uses of nuclear materials, such as in nuclear medicine. NRC … Continue reading OGIS Publishes NRC FOIA Compliance Assessment Report
Deadline for Registering for First Meeting of 2020-2022 FOIA Advisory Committee
Coming? Then Hurry? (NARA ID: 44266086) Interested in attending — virtually, of course — the first meeting of the 2020-2022 term of the FOIA Advisory Committee on Thursday, September 10, 2020, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. EDT? Please register by midnight Tuesday September 8, 2020. We have a packed agenda! After a welcome by the … Continue reading Deadline for Registering for First Meeting of 2020-2022 FOIA Advisory Committee
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