The rapid spread of COVID-19 in the United States is forcing many industries to rethink how they do business, and the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) is no exception. In the interest of social distancing, all OGIS staffers are teleworking. While we are pleased that we are able to continue to function as the … Continue reading OGIS Is Open For Business – How to Reach Us
Assessing FOIA Reading Rooms
The following post is written by Meredith Doviak, our National Archives colleague who is helping us assess methods agencies use to prepare documents for posting on agency FOIA reading rooms. In the decades since Congress amended FOIA in 1996 to expand the role of the agency FOIA reading room, the expectations and use of Federal … Continue reading Assessing FOIA Reading Rooms
OGIS Report on Fiscal Year 2019 Now Available
Public spaces at the National Archives are closed, but OGIS is pleased to continue operations online — including publication of our 2020 Annual Report for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019. As OGIS Director Alina Semo notes in her message to readers, despite challenges faced in FY 2019, OGIS managed to reduce our backlog by 50 percent … Continue reading OGIS Report on Fiscal Year 2019 Now Available
Sunshine Week at the National Archives is Canceled
Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, the National Archives and Records Administration has canceled all public events in its Washington, DC, and College Park, MD, facilities through May 3. Regrettably, this includes OGIS’s Sunshine Week event, scheduled for Monday, March 16. Stay safe and healthy!
Sunshine Week at the National Archives Update
We are excited to announce that Senior US District Court Judge Reggie B. Walton of the US District Court for the District of Columbia will join us on Monday March 16th for Sunshine Week at the National Archives. While we regret that Senior US District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth, along with his biographer, Adam … Continue reading Sunshine Week at the National Archives Update
Upcoming Intelligence Community FOIA Forum Canceled
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the National Archives must cancel both of the events scheduled for Thursday, March 12, 2020: National Declassification Center: Reflecting on our Beginnings, Forecasting our Future and the Multi-Agency Forum: Using FOIA to Access Intelligence Community Records. We apologize for the last-minute change in plans. Last week, in preparation for … Continue reading Upcoming Intelligence Community FOIA Forum Canceled
Please submit your questions for the upcoming Intelligence Community forum!
All government agencies create and obtain records as they carry out their day-to-day duties. The types of records vary by agency. In the Intelligence Community (IC), many of these records are classified due to the sensitive nature of the agencies’ work and the obligation to protect the sources and methods used to collect and process … Continue reading Please submit your questions for the upcoming Intelligence Community forum!
Sunshine Week 2020
March means more than warmer temperatures for those of us in the transparency community—it also means Sunshine Week, the annual nationwide celebration of access to public information. Since the American Society of News Editors (ASNE) launched the initiative 15 years ago, journalists, librarians, concerned citizens, civil society organizations, elected officials, and government employees alike have … Continue reading Sunshine Week 2020
Chief FOIA Officers Council’s Technology Committee Releases Best Practices and Recommendations
Eagle Release During Migratory Bird Day 2005 (National Archives ID: 166690378) Looking for ways to bolster the use of technology within the FOIA process? Check out a report from the Technology Committee (Committee) of the Chief FOIA Officers Council (Council) to the Council Co-Chairs that discusses FOIA Information Technology (IT) best practices and recommendations. In … Continue reading Chief FOIA Officers Council’s Technology Committee Releases Best Practices and Recommendations
Mark Your Calendars!
Please mark your calendars and join us for several upcoming events in the William G. McGowan Theater at the National Archives in Washington, DC. The FOIA Advisory Committee meets from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday March 5th to consider proposed recommendations from the FOIA Advisory Committee’s three subcommittees: Records Management, Time/Volume and Vision. Meeting … Continue reading Mark Your Calendars!
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