FOIA: There’s an app for that!

With the proliferation of smartphones and tablets has come the development of mobile apps for everything, it seems; now you can add FOIA to that list. This week the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the release of its new eFOIA mobile app. The app, the result of a partnership between the DHS Privacy Office … Continue reading FOIA: There’s an app for that!

How Would You Modernize FOIA?

As we’ve noted previously, the United States is a part of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), a global effort to make governments more open and accountable to the public.  Countries that participate in OGP are required to develop and carry out action plans that include concrete commitments to make the government—you guessed it—more open. These … Continue reading How Would You Modernize FOIA?

Dispute Resolution Skills for FOIA Professionals Training Session: June 24, 2015

Do you find yourself locked in disputes with FOIA requesters (or agency colleagues)? Would you like to learn constructive ways to resolve or avoid disputes in the future? OGIS will present a training session designed to help FOIA professionals develop dispute resolution skills on Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at the Archives building on Constitution Ave … Continue reading Dispute Resolution Skills for FOIA Professionals Training Session: June 24, 2015