Make your voice heard: the FOIA Advisory Committee seeks public comments

On January 27, 2015 the FOIA Advisory Committee met to discuss its progress on examining three important FOIA issues: proactive disclosures, FOIA fees, and FOIA oversight and accountability. The Committee opened the meeting by voting unanimously to approve the October 21, 2014 meeting minutes. The Committee also approved the bylaws drafted by the Committee’s Bylaws … Continue reading Make your voice heard: the FOIA Advisory Committee seeks public comments

10/21 FOIA Advisory Committee Meeting Wrap-Up

On October 21, 2014, the FOIA Advisory Committee met to continue its efforts to examine and address FOIA oversight and accountability, proactive disclosure, and FOIA fees. Archivist of the U.S. David S. Ferriero opened the meeting by noting that the momentum behind government openness and transparency is growing around the globe. In September, President Obama … Continue reading 10/21 FOIA Advisory Committee Meeting Wrap-Up

The 411 on FOIA & the White House

Quick FOIA quiz: Is the White House subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)? Yes. And no. It depends on the function of a particular White House office. Offices within the Executive Office of the President that “wield … substantial authority independent of the President” are subject to FOIA, the Court of Appeals for … Continue reading The 411 on FOIA & the White House

Sunshine Week 2014 Roundup

Though the “sunny” forecast in Washington D.C. actually ended up being rather snowy, we were still feeling the warmth during Sunshine Week. We gave you a preview of the events we planned to attend during Sunshine Week, and wrote about Director Nisbet’s Senate testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, but here are some other exciting … Continue reading Sunshine Week 2014 Roundup

Surging ahead into the electronic world

As we move toward a more digitized society, we’re continually looking to build upon electronic access and management of government records. FOIA requesters and agency FOIA professionals came together this week to discuss issues they face working with electronic records. Records management was a key point of discussion — electronic records can be incredibly time-saving, … Continue reading Surging ahead into the electronic world

Forecast: Innovation Ahead

Did you check the forecast this morning to see if you should grab an umbrella before you headed out the door? If so, did you know that information collected and distributed by the government helped you to stay dry? Many familiar technologies are built using government data sets, including the National Digital Forecast Database and … Continue reading Forecast: Innovation Ahead