Former President Harry S. Truman (second from the right) is shown in a four-way handshake with Clyde T. Ellis (left) and two unidentified men, members of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. The former President spoke at an Electric Consumers Workshop breakfast at the Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C. From: Clyde T. Ellis. National Archives Identifier … Continue reading FOIA Advisory Committee Meets March 6
Tag: open government
Getting to Know the FOIA Advisory Committee: Nicholas Wittenberg
Today we present an interview with Nicholas Wittenberg, Corporate Counsel and Senior Advisor for Legal Technology and Innovation at Armedia and a member of the 2024-2026 FOIA Advisory Committee. This is part of a series of posts on the Committee, whose members are FOIA experts from inside and outside of government and who are appointed by the … Continue reading Getting to Know the FOIA Advisory Committee: Nicholas Wittenberg
Getting to Know the FOIA Advisory Committee: Shelley Kimball
Today we present an interview with Shelley Kimball, Associate Communication Program Director and Senior Lecturer at Johns Hopkins University and a member of the 2024-2026 FOIA Advisory Committee. This is part of a series of posts on the Committee, whose members are FOIA experts from inside and outside of government and who are appointed by the … Continue reading Getting to Know the FOIA Advisory Committee: Shelley Kimball
Getting to Know the FOIA Advisory Committee: Kevin Bell
Today we present an interview with Kevin Bell, attorney-advisor at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and a member of the 2024-2026 FOIA Advisory Committee. This is part of a series of posts on the Committee, whose members are FOIA experts from inside and outside of government and who are appointed by the Archivist of the … Continue reading Getting to Know the FOIA Advisory Committee: Kevin Bell
OGIS Publishes Two New Ombuds Observers
Fernando Penalosa and Maria Teresa Inigo at the busy circulation desk. Through the open doors in back of the patrons at the desk is the entrance to the Main Reading Room. The reference desk is to its immediate right. National Archive Identifier 23932427 Today’s blog post was guest written by Dan Levenson. The Office of … Continue reading OGIS Publishes Two New Ombuds Observers
FOIA Advisory Committee Meets on December 5
Roundtable discussion at the Congressional Black Caucus Delegation Educational Forum and Convention. National Archives Identifier 355307440 The next meeting of the 2024-2026 term of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee is on Thursday, December 5, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. ET. The Committee will hear the mission statements and updates from … Continue reading FOIA Advisory Committee Meets on December 5
1974 FOIA Amendments Mark Golden Anniversary
A 1967 arrangement of gold bearings used by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. National Archives Identifier 354900450 Requesters, the next time you work to "reasonably describe” records in a FOIA request or visit for agency FOIA data, you can thank the 1974 FOIA amendments. And agency FOIA professionals, you can thank the 1974 … Continue reading 1974 FOIA Amendments Mark Golden Anniversary
Chief FOIA Officers Meeting Recap and Updates to the FOIA Recommendations Dashboard
Working in Mission-Oriented Protective Posture response level 4 (MOPP-4), STAFF Sergeant (SSGT) Ronald Wesley, (left), USAF, 731st Air Mobility Squadron, (AMS), directs airmen via megaphone as SENIOR AIRMAN (SRA) Robert Woodruff, USAF, prepares to push cargo onto a C-130 Hercules. National Archives Identifier 6606170 The Chief FOIA Officers Council’s November 7th meeting was full of … Continue reading Chief FOIA Officers Meeting Recap and Updates to the FOIA Recommendations Dashboard
Register Today for November 7 Chief FOIA Officers Council Meeting
As part of a brainstorming activity. members of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Committee are asked to share what they would like in a FOIA policy during the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) advisory committee meeting at the National Archives in Washington. DC. on July 21. 2016. NARA photo by Brogan Jackson. National Archives … Continue reading Register Today for November 7 Chief FOIA Officers Council Meeting
OGIS Publishes Annual Compliance Report
Here is a condensed version of the 1950 Census tabulation picture. In the foreground is a punch card machine. Holes are punched in the card according to a prearranged code, transferring the facts from the questionnaire into statistics. The man operating the machine labeled “140” is running a sorter. This machine sorts cards into any … Continue reading OGIS Publishes Annual Compliance Report
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