Will You Be Our (FOIA) Valentine?

The FOIA process, like any relationship, depends on good communications. In the spirit of the season, OGIS offers Valentines greetings to FOIA stakeholders who demonstrate good communication skills every day. We love all hardworking FOIA professionals, but particularly those who pick up the phone to talk to requesters. While making a call is an investment … Continue reading Will You Be Our (FOIA) Valentine?

Freedom (of Information) Rings at COGEL 2018

The Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL) held its 40th annual conference earlier this month in Philadelphia, PA. COGEL is the preeminent organization of government ethics administrators, and its members work in the fields of governmental ethics, freedom of information (FOI), elections, lobbying and campaign finance. Members include governmental entities (state, local, and foreign) educational … Continue reading Freedom (of Information) Rings at COGEL 2018

Dispute Resolution Training for Agencies

Are you looking for a unique training opportunity for your agency’s FOIA staff, one that will improve communications within your FOIA program and with FOIA requesters? If so, now is a great time to schedule 2019 Dispute Resolution Training for FOIA Professionals for your agency. OGIS offers our training program twice yearly to any interested … Continue reading Dispute Resolution Training for Agencies

International Day for Universal Access to Information 2018

In November 2015, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) adopted a resolution declaring September 28th of every year as International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI). “The universal right to information is essential for societies to function democratically and for the well-being of each individual,” UNESCO wrote in its proclamation. “Freedom of … Continue reading International Day for Universal Access to Information 2018

Join Us Online for the November 29, 2018 FOIA Advisory Committee 

If you cannot join us in person for the second meeting of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee’s 2018-2020 term on November 29, 2018, you can still join us via livestream. The meeting, from 10 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. EST, will focus on records management. Representatives from several Offices of Inspectors General that … Continue reading Join Us Online for the November 29, 2018 FOIA Advisory Committee 

Next FOIA Advisory Committee Meeting: November 29, 2018

The intersection of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and records management will be the focus of the next FOIA Advisory Committee meeting on November 29, 2018, in the William G. McGowan Theater at the National Archives in Washington, DC. The meeting, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., is the second of the 2018-2020 term … Continue reading Next FOIA Advisory Committee Meeting: November 29, 2018

OGIS Deputy Director Martha Murphy Shares FOIA Federal Agency Perspective at CUNY Environmental Law Conference

Last Saturday I represented OGIS and the National Archives and Records Administration at a conference on environmental Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) issues at the City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law in Queens, New York. The conference, co-sponsored by the CUNY School of Law, CUNY Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism and … Continue reading OGIS Deputy Director Martha Murphy Shares FOIA Federal Agency Perspective at CUNY Environmental Law Conference

Getting to Know the FOIA Advisory Committee: Ginger McCall

Today we present an interview with Ginger McCall, who recently became the Oregon Public Records Advocate. Ginger is in her third term on the FOIA Advisory Committee. Over the next year, we will interview other members of the Advisory Committee so that you can get to know them better. Why did you seek to serve … Continue reading Getting to Know the FOIA Advisory Committee: Ginger McCall