Getting to Know the FOIA Advisory Committee: Margaret Kwoka

Today we present an interview with Margaret Kwoka, professor at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law and a member of the 2024-2026 FOIA Advisory Committee. This is part of a series of posts on the Committee, whose members are FOIA experts from inside and outside of government and who are appointed by the Archivist … Continue reading Getting to Know the FOIA Advisory Committee: Margaret Kwoka

National Archives to Host Annual Forum on Transparency and Access to Government Records

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) will host a substantive forum, “Transparency and Access to NARA Records,” on Wednesday, March 19, at 1 p.m. ET. This program will headline Sunshine Week, an annual nonpartisan nationwide collaboration bringing together those in media, civics, and government. The forum will be livestreamed on the National Archives YouTube … Continue reading National Archives to Host Annual Forum on Transparency and Access to Government Records

FOIA Advisory Committee Meets March 6

Former President Harry S. Truman (second from the right) is shown in a four-way handshake with Clyde T. Ellis (left) and two unidentified men, members of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. The former President spoke at an Electric Consumers Workshop breakfast at the Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C. From: Clyde T. Ellis. National Archives Identifier … Continue reading FOIA Advisory Committee Meets March 6

OGIS Publishes Two New Ombuds Observers

Fernando Penalosa and Maria Teresa Inigo at the busy circulation desk. Through the open doors in back of the patrons at the desk is the entrance to the Main Reading Room. The reference desk is to its immediate right. National Archive Identifier 23932427 Today’s blog post was guest written by Dan Levenson. The Office of … Continue reading OGIS Publishes Two New Ombuds Observers

Register Today for November 7 Chief FOIA Officers Council Meeting

As part of a brainstorming activity. members of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Committee are asked to share what they would like in a FOIA policy during the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) advisory committee meeting at the National Archives in Washington. DC. on July 21. 2016. NARA photo by Brogan Jackson. National Archives … Continue reading Register Today for November 7 Chief FOIA Officers Council Meeting

OGIS Celebrates Ombuds Day!

President Richard Nixon Shaking Hands with Chairman Mao Tse-tung. National Archives Identifier 194759 Today is Ombuds Day and we at the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) celebrate our role as the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Ombuds. The OPEN Government Act of 2007 established OGIS and elevated the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution … Continue reading OGIS Celebrates Ombuds Day!

OGIS Publishes Annual Compliance Report

Here is a condensed version of the 1950 Census tabulation picture. In the foreground is a punch card machine. Holes are punched in the card according to a prearranged code, transferring the facts from the questionnaire into statistics. The man operating the machine labeled “140” is running a sorter. This machine sorts cards into any … Continue reading OGIS Publishes Annual Compliance Report

OGIS Remains Interested in “Still Interested” Letters

Mail, Photographs Relating to Agency Officials, Events, and Activities. National Archives Identifier 209296403 As the federal government approaches the end of fiscal year 2024 in September, we recognize that many federal agencies are aiming to close old FOIA requests and reduce their FOIA backlogs. Some are sending requesters “still interested” letters to ensure that the … Continue reading OGIS Remains Interested in “Still Interested” Letters

2024-2026 FOIA Advisory Committee Members Appointed

A member of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Band plays the trumpet during the Opening Ceremony for Exercise COBRA GOLD 2000 at Vajira Military Camp, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand. National Archive Identifier 6602132. Archivist of the United States Dr. Colleen Shogan appointed 20 individuals to the National Archives and Records Administration’s 2024–2026 Freedom of Information … Continue reading 2024-2026 FOIA Advisory Committee Members Appointed

OGIS 2023 Holiday Wish List Santa Claus Christmas by US National Archives via GIPHY. From National Archives Identifier 93140. Last year we shared our OGIS Holiday Wish List here on The FOIA Ombudsman. The jolly man from the North Pole did not bring us our wishes, so we are revising it to reflect upon what OGIS has encountered over … Continue reading OGIS 2023 Holiday Wish List